Virtual Conference: Financing Local Energy Transition

B.A.U.M. e.V., INEM (the International Network for Environmental Management) and the national project partners – FEWE in Poland, KÖVET Association in Hungary, B.A.U.M Consult GmbH in Germany – cordially invite you to the

Published: 29 April 2020

ALLIES Virtual and Interactive Final Conference
Financing Local Energy Transition
26.05.2020, 09:00-17:00 CEST


This interactive event will combine presentations with various thematic focuses, online panels with experts and parallel interactive capacity building workshops. We will use a virtual conferencing tool in combination with state-of-the-art visualisation. Please register by clicking on the link before 22nd May to receive the connection details.

The two main objectives of the conference are:

  1. To present the findings and results of ALLIES and discuss them with potential followers. We will hold special focus sessions for LFEEEs in the Balkan, Baltic and Mediterranean countries.
  2. To embed ALLIES in supranational structures such as the EUKI or EC programs.

    We invite everyone interested in the ALLIES results and keen to apply them in their local context:

    • Policy makers
    • National and international NGOs
    • Representatives of SMEs
    • Representatives of municipalities and local energy utilities
    • Energy agencies and regional development centres
    • Representatives of funding programmes

      You participate in the virtual and interactive final conference to

      • discuss interactively how ALLIES’ results relate to the development of local energy communities as defined by the European Commission
      • learn how to found cooperative institutions to foster and finance energy efficiency
      • enrich your network and become part of the European wide „ALLIES community”

        Please find the Conference leaflet with further information for download here.

        For any questions, please contact Katinka Györki-Vincze (


        Responsible for the content of this page is the named author / organisation: ALLIES