How does EUKI’s selection procedure work? This article answers the 5 most important questions regarding EUKI’s 5th Call for project ideas
by EUKI Office, GIZ/EUKI
Am 25. November hat das Bundesumweltministerium (BMU) den Startschuss für den fünften Ideenwettbewerb der EUKI gegeben. Bis zum 19. Januar 2021 sind gemeinnützige Organisationen dazu aufgerufen, ihre Projektskizzen zum grenzüberschreitenden Klimaschutz in Europa einzureichen. Wie in den Vorjahren werden erfolgreiche Bewerbungen mit 50.000 bis 1.000.000 EUR unterstützt.

Who may apply?
EUKI finances project ideas from NGOs, public authorities, non-profit enterprises as well as academic and educational institutions. Interested parties from all EU member states may apply, whereby the regional focus is on Central, Eastern and Southern Europe and the Baltic States. In specific cases organisations from EU candidate countries in the Western Balkans and Turkey may also apply as project partners and be included in the selection procedure. Transboundary projects by organisations from different countries operating at national, regional or local level are particularly welcome.
Which are the funding areas?
Since climate action poses multifaceted challenges, EUKI covers a wide range of topics. Projects in eight core areas such as mobility, awareness or sustainable management will be financed. Current projects are for example aimed at a Just Transition in coal-mining regions, liveable and climate friendly urban areas or at teaching European students how to treat nature and the environment in a responsible way. An overview of all projects funded by EUKI is available here. The objectives of the projects are outlined here.
How does the two-step selection procedure work?
The EUKI selection procedure is a two-step process: convincing project outlines are to be drawn up for the first stage stating the problems at hand, project objectives and the specific measures planned. These project outlines have to be submitted in electronic form via the relevant online application form on the EUKI website in due time. Once a project outline has been selected by EUKI, the respective applicants are requested in writing to submit a full project proposal. Project outlines and proposals have to be submitted in English.
How to prepare a project outline?
All relevant documents can be found on the selection procedure page. Apart from the information on financing of projects under EUKI you will also find information on preparing a budget as well as on project planning and monitoring among others.
Any further questions?
The Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the EUKI Secretariat would like to invite you the web-based Info Day on the 5th EUKI Call taking place on 15 December 2020. The core areas of the Call, the application requirements and the selection procedure will be explained in detail. Interested parties will have the opportunity to ask questions.