EUKI Academy Networking Conference 2024

On this page you can find all the documents, publications and videos resulting from the EUKI Academy Networking Conference 2024.

Veröffentlicht: 31. Mai 2024

The EUKI Networking Conference 2024 took place in Berlin from 14th to 15th of May. It brought together key players in European climate action, with the aim of facilitating higher levels of progress and transformation. Doing so means mobilising a joint effort towards our common goal – a green future.

Report: Joining Hands to Drive the Green Transition Forward

Here you can find the report in the form of a newspaper with concise summaries of the workshops, panels, discussions and sessions:

Live Recordings

Conference Day 1 (14 May 2024)

    • Welcome by Nele Bünner, Director European Climate Initiative (EUKI)
    • Keynote by State Secretary Sven Giegold, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
    • Exchange with State Secretary Giegold and the EUKI Community: Anna Niemczyk, Senior Researcher, Institute of Power Engineering – National Research Institute; Iryna Holovko, Advisor, adelphi research GmbH; Miklos Marton, Climate & Energy Transformation Officer, MTVSZ – FOE
  • Keynote by Dr Simon Marr, Head of Division European Climate Policy, European Climate Initiative, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

    Presentation of EUKI Success Stories: Adrianna Borowicz, Journalist and Alumna of the EUKI German-Polish Climate Fellowship; Aleksandra Szmurlik-Dominguez, Coordinator of Partnerships and Projects, WiseEuropa; Yasen Georgiev, Managing Director, Economic Policy Institute; Zsofia Pej, Climate Program Leader, Energiaklub Climate Policy Institute.

  • The session addressed the changes and potentials in climate action that have been or will be brought about by the progress of machine learning, AI, and other digital innovations. The focus lied on opportunities for the climate change mitigation field to develop and increase its impact by embracing technological advancements.

    Dr Lynn Kaack’s keynote presentation on machine learning in climate projects can be found here.

    Dr Lynn Kaack, leading expert in the field of AI and Climate Change, gave an overview of possible applications of machine learning and AI for the field of climate change mitigation. Based on scientific findings, she focused on the practical implications of these developments.

    Francesca Bria, innovation economist and digital policy expert, talked about the potentials of digital innovations to accelerate the green transition in European cities.

  • Europe’s economies are struggling, concerned voices warn of deindustrialisation, and the EU is debating how responsibilities for the decarbonisation of hard-to-abate sectors should be distributed. But there is a strong will to transform in many sectors, like in the construction and the automotive industry. Across Central and Eastern Europe, companies and businesses are trying to innovate in order to survive in an inevitable net-zero economy. This session brought together representatives from different industries, civil society, research, and the policy level to discuss needs and potentials of the industrial decarbonisation.

    Kateřina Davidova’s keynote presentation on the needs and potentials of the industrial decarbonisation can be found here.

    Malte Bornkamm, Head of Department Market Framework for Industrial Decarbonisation, International Cooperation, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

    Michaela Hletkova Ploszekova, Head of Environmental Department, Volkswagen Slovakia

    Carolin Boßmeyer, Head of Liaison Office Berlin, Senior Manager Government Affairs, Heidelberg Materials

    Monika Martišková, Senior Researcher, Central European Labour Studies Institute

    Kateřina Davidova, Senior Climate Policy Expert, Centre of Transport and Energy

Conference Day 2 (15 May 2024)

  • While there is certainly discussion, perhaps controversy, around the implications of increased ambitions, analyses show that Europe is lagging behind on its net-zero goal and needs to provide a strong framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions beyond 2030. Although we are yet to see how the European Parliament positions itself on this issue, the European Commission has taken a clear stance. In the recently published communication and impact assessment, the Commission recommends a 90% reduction of emissions compared to 1990 levels by the year 2040. This session focused into the background of this consideration, and its ramifications for different CEE countries and sectors.

    Yvon Slingenberg, Acting Deputy Director General of DG CLIMA and Director in DG CLIMA for ‘Strategy, Analysis & Planning”

    Dr. Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf, Head of International and European Governance, Senior Fellow, Ecologic Institute

    Christophe Jost, Senior EU Policy Officer, CEE Bankwatch Network

    Martin Vladimirov, Director, Energy & Climate Program, Center for the Study of Democracy

  • This session offered a forward-thinking perspective which showcases innovative solutions emerging from the startup scene, illustrating the pivotal role of sustainable innovation in tackling pressing climate
    and energy crises. These innovations not only confront challenges but also create unique opportunities, fostering a greener, more resilient world. By highlighting the contributions of young minds and
    entrepreneurial spirits, this session shall install hope and determination to address current and future environmental challenges.

    Livia Kalossaka, Climate Lead, Creative Destruction Lab, and EU Young Energy Champion 2023



  • Bild


    The workshop tackled energy communities and their relation to energy poverty. Topics were presented from various aspects (legal, financial, social) and participants got an opportunity to actively participate within group work.


    The results of this workshop can be found in the EUKICON24 Report on page 23.


    Ivan Duilo & Zvonimir Anić, Society for Sustainable Development Design (DOOR), Croatia
    EUKI project: LoGyCo – Setting Basis for the Establishment of Local Citizen EnerGY COmmunities

    Marko Starčević, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FSB), Croatia
    EUKI project: SunSharing – Supporting Solar Energy Communities in SEE

  • Bild


    How can renovation passports support renovations that deliver on energy savings? EUKI projects Renocally and OUR-CEE present the ‘performance gap’ and renovation passports as essential considerations for high performing renovations in CEE.


    The results of this workshop can be found in the EUKICON24 Report on page 25.


    Rutger Broer, Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE), Germany
    EUKI project: Renocally – Municipal Renovation Action Plans

    Aura Oancea, Energy Policy Group (EPG), Romania
    EUKI project: OUR-CEE

  • Bild


    The workshop combined theory and practice by linking an exchange with researcher and AI expert Dr Lynn Kaack with a contribution by the DUET EUKI project. Kaack looked at how the rapid advances in data and machine learning can influence climate action work. For the latter,
    Hanna Lewandowska gave an introduction into how innovative solutions can realistically be implemented on local levels.


    The results of this workshop can be found in the EUKICON24 Report on page 24.


    Hanna Lewandowska, Energy Management Office, City of Bydgoszcz, Poland
    EUKI project: DUET – Driving Urban Energy Together

    Dr Lynn Kaack, Co-Founder and Chair, Climate Change AI, and Assistant Professor, Hertie School, Germany

  • Bild


    Local governments are at the forefront of a transformative journey. Local long-term climate neutrality strategies, that guide the cities in the process, are critical for reaching the necessary socio-ecological transformation and managing a fair transition to local net-zero emissions.
    One of the key tools, which are critical to drive the necessary socio-ecological transformation & manage a fair transition to local net-zero emission, are the Local Long-Term Climate Neutrality Strategies (LLCS) that will guide the cities in the process.


    The results of this workshop can be found in the EUKICON24 Report on page 26.


    Ewa Iwaszuk, Fellow, Ecologic Institute, Germany

    Iwona Korohoda, Project Manager, Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités“, Poland

    Izabela Kuśnierz, Project Manager, The Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités“, Poland
    EUKI project: Ready4NetZero – Long-term Climate-Neutrality Strategies in Towns and Cities

  • Bild


    During this workshop, participants looked into the benefits and challenges of industrial decarbonisation using offshore wind energy.


    The results of this workshop can be found in the EUKICON24 Report on page 23.


    Martin Vladimirov, Director, Energy and Climate Program, Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)

    Stanislav Anastasov, Member of the Energy Committee, Bulgarian National
    Pawel Czyzak, Regional Lead – CEE, EMBER
    Cristina Simoli, Director, Offshore Energy and Nature, Renewable Grids Initiative
    Ben Sass, Head of Project Development Offshore, PNE AG
    Lukasz Dabrowski, Marshal’s Office, Pomeranian Offshore Platform
    Moderator: Marius Koeppen, Analyst, Energy & Climate Program, Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)

  • Bild


    A workshop focused on strategising sustainable futures for regions in transition after the 2021-2027 financial framework is over. Working on identifying challenges and developing remedies.


    The results of this workshop can be found in the EUKICON24 Report on page 26.


    Mateusz Kowalik, Polish Green Network, Poland
    Valentina Troendle, Lausitzer Perspektiven, Germany
    EUKI project: Cooperative Transition of Polish and Bulgarian Coal Regions

  • Bild


    In 2031, when the EU -55% emissions target should have been met, today’s 10-year-olds will be adults.
    Their climate-neutral future is planned and started already, but will it be achieved?
    An experiment took place in the Cultural Capital of Europe 2023, Elefsina, Greece, when 350 pupils
    aged 10-15 from Greece, Germany and the Western Balkans met to build a collective vision with their
    ideas for the city that they dream of and want to live in. But how can this vision work? Will this endeavor
    bring climate neutrality and quality of life for 2050 Elefsina? Can this methodology help meet any town’s


    The results of this workshop can be found in the EUKICON24 Report on page 25.


    Evi Tzanakaki, Project Manager, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources_CRES, Greece

    EUKI project: Pupils’ Conference Elefsina

  • Bild


    Standard indicators serve as metrics for measuring the overarching objectives of the EUKI. Such indicators are e.g. optional measurement of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduced or carbon stocks enhanced through the project’s activities. Participiants learned about methodological approaches to mitigation quantification and data availability.


    The results of this workshop can be found in the EUKICON24 Report on page 27.


    Stefan Wehner, Founding Partner and Climate Project Advisor, the greenwerk. GbR, Germany
    Sven Feige, Senior Consultant, Perspectives Climate Group GmbH, Germany


    EUKICON24_Enhancing Impact – Learning to Estimate Your Project’s Emission Reductions

  • Bild


    The workshop focused on the impact, challenges, tools and brainstorming solutions for mitigating methane emissions.


    The results of this workshop can be found in the EUKICON24 Report on page 24.


    Mihai Stoica & Raul Cazan, Association 2Celsius, Romania
    EUKI project: An Integrated Approach to Methane Emissions Abatemen

  • Bild


    The National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) are
    crucial for the alignment between the energy and climate policies of CEE countries with the ambitious path to climate neutrality set by the EU for 2050. The workshop provided insight into the specific challenges faced by policy-makers on
    the strengthening of the stakeholder engagement process and the level of inclusivity of the public
    discourse when designing and deploying ambitious energy and climate policies within the NECPs, in
    synergy with the Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs), the Social Climate Plans (SCPs) and the
    National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs).


    The results of this workshop can be found in the EUKICON24 Report on page 27.


    Remina Aleksieva, Analyst, Energy & Climate Program, Center for the Study of Democracy

    EUKI project: Effective Implementation of NECPs in CEE


    Ruslan Stefanov, Program Director & Chief Economist, Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)
    Anne-Kathrin Richter, Head of Unit EU Energy Policy, Coordination, Federal Ministry for
    Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Germany)
    Kalina Tcolova, Analyst, Energy & Climate Program, Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)
    Meglena Plugchieva, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Bulgaria
    Detlef F. Sprinz, Senior Scientist, Working Group Leader, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
    Maris Pedaja, National campaigner, Estonia, CEE Bankwatch Network


Methane Emissions


Raul Cazan; Association 2Celsius (Romania); Integrated Approach to Methane Emissions Abatement



Prof Igor Nedelkovski; GAUSS Institute (North Macedonia); Renewable Power-to-Heat in the Bitola Region

Hydrogen Technologies


Anna Niemczyk; Institute of Power Engineering (Poland); RenewStart for Hydrogen Technologies

2040 EU climate target


Dr Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf; Ecologic Institute (Germany); EU 2040 Climate Target: Level of ambition and implications

Climate Journalism


Adrianna Borowicz, Journalist and Alumna of the EUKI German-Polish Climate Fellowship


Sven Giegold is State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). Previously, he served as Member of the European Parliament for more than ten years. Throughout his political career, he has been involved in numerous civil society organisations and has worked on many environmental and ecological matters. He is a co-founder of a green business center in his hometown.
Yvon Slingenberg is Acting Deputy Director General of DG CLIMA and Director in DG CLIMA for ‚Strategy Analysis & Planning‘. Before then, she was Director responsible for Climate strategy, Governance and Emissions from Non-Trading Sectors, and has held a number of other positions in the European Commission.
Dr Simon Marr is Head of Division European Climate Policy, European Climate Initiative, at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). Previously, he worked as a climate policy expert at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nuclear Safety and Nature Protection, DG Environment of the European Commission and at the Federal Chancellery in the team preparing the German G7 and G20 summits in 2015 and 2017.
Malte Bornkamm is Head of Division IV E 2 “Industrial Decarbonization Market Framework, International Cooperation” in the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Before he held different positions in the Industry and European General Directorates of the Ministry and in the Permanent Representation to the United Nations in New York. Malte Bornkamm is a lawyer by profession and has acquired a Master of Laws (LL.M.) at the University of Cape Town on the Nexus between International Environmental and Trade Law.
Dr Lynn Kaack is a leading expert in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change. She is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Public Policy at the Hertie School, where she leads the AI and Climate Technology Policy Group. Her work focuses on methods from statistics and machine learning to inform climate mitigation policy, and on climate-related AI policy. She is also a co-founder and chair of the organization Climate Change AI.
Livia Kalossaka is a PhD-trained materials scientist, sustainability expert, and youth leader. With deep dives into the worlds of startups, academia, industry, and NGOs, Livia has gained profound insights into the challenges and opportunities of a green transition. She has successfully collaborated with startups, implemented innovative, sustainable practices in the manufacturing sector, and actively engaged with NGOs to promote environmental causes.
Francesca Bria is an innovation economist and digital policy expert. She is Honorary Professor in the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose at UCL in London, Executive Board Member of the Italian public media company RAI, and part of the High-level Roundtable for the New European Bauhaus set up by the EC President Ursula von der Leyen to accelerate the EU Green Deal. She is also the former President of the Italian National Innovation Fund and former Chief Digital Technology and Innovation Officer for the City of Barcelona.
Michaela Hletkova Ploszekova is head of Environment Department at Volkswagen Slovakia. She has been implementing the requirements of legislation, environmental management systems and strategy in car production processes to reduce environmental impacts for environmental and energy-intensive technologies for over 16 years.
Carolin Bossmeyer is Head of Heidelberg Materials‘ Berlin liaison office as Senior Manager Government Affairs. Her prior career covers more than two decades primarily in business associations and consulting, with a focus on sustainability challenges in various industries. She was born in 1972 in the Ruhr region, Germany’s industrial heartland, and holds an M.A. in Philosophy, Social Economics and Modern History.
Dr. Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf is Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute and Head of the International and European Governance Program. With a background in international and European law, his work focuses on climate protection, EU policies, democracy and governance. He has led numerous projects on climate policies, climate laws, EU reform, reform of the United Nations, trade and tax reform.
Christophe Jost is Senior EU Policy Officer at CEE Bankwatch Network. Interested in the intricacies between climate transition and public finance, he coordinates a campaign aiming at transforming economies of Central and Eastern European countries through EU funds. He has 10 years of experience of public affairs in Brussels, having worked for various organisations such as public authorities, association, and civil society organisation.
Martin Vladimirov is the Director of the Energy and Climate Program at the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD), a European public policy institute. He works on European energy and climate security, co-authoring a number of books on European energy security and decarbonisation pathways in Europe. He is also managing the Energy and Climate Security Risk Index and is spearheading the work on unlocking the offshore wind energy potential of the Black Sea.
Monika Martišková, PhD. is a researcher at Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) Bratislava, Slovakia and at the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development at Charles University in Prague, Czechia. She is interested in industrial relations and collective bargaining in CEE countries focusing on automotive industry. In her most recent research, she focuses on the effects of decarbonization on the labour market and working conditions in industrial sectors.
Kateřina Davidová works as Climate Policy Expert at the Centre for Transport and Energy, where she focuses on climate and energy policy of the EU and the Czech Republic, and the Central European region’s transformation to low-carbon economy. Kateřina is also a Senior Research Fellow at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, where she leads the Green Europe programme. Since 2023, she has been serving as a Member of the Board of Transport & Environment.
Nele Bünner is Programme Director at the European Climate Initiative (EUKI). She is an environmental and climate economist with extensive experience advising national ministries on climate policy not only in Germany but in numerous partner countries. She has helped build a significant number of climate action networks involving different stakeholders from political and scientific backgrounds.
Marianna Evenstein is an American broadcast journalist and moderator based in Berlin, Germany. In addition to her work as a television anchor and editor for Germany’s international network DW News (Deutsche Welle), Marianna hosts a wide range of conferences and events. Her clients include global corporations, political foundations, intergovernmental bodies, NGOs and many others.


Gallery Walk with (f.l.t.r.) Simon Marr, Sven Giegold, Elsa Benhoefer, Marie Wonneberger

Conference room Kesselhaus

Panel Discussion with (f.l.t.r.) Marianna Evenstein, Anna Niemczyk, Iryna Holovko, Miklos MartonSven Giegold.

State Secretary Sven Giegold

Workshop day 1

Dr Meyer-Ohlendorf in a panel discussion, to his right Christophe Jost and Martin Vladimirov, photo bei Sina Goeschen

Participants during a workshop

Participants at the EUKICON

Participants during a workshop

Participants at the EUKICON

Dr Lynn Kaack

Participants during the EUKICON

Participants during a workshop

Participants at the end of Day I at the EUKICON

Participants at the end of Day I at the EUKICON

EUKI Project Posters

EUKI Academy Training

In this two-day training on purposeful partnerships and cooperation in Berlin, 20 participiants from the EUKI community tackled these questions among others. They were joined by experts who shared their knowledge on how to create, maintain and manage a purposeful partnership between different stakeholders. The focus layed on the interaction and exchange of experiences between EUKI partners through different formats, including experts’ input.